Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Thanks to Grandmothers everywhere.

   Choose respect are simple words that reflect simple thoughts. If I respect you and you respect me, why should there ever be violence in the domestic relationships? Because people don't respect themselves. More importantly, they reflect their lack of self-respect to others that they encounter on a daily basis, leaving themselves wide open to disrespect. If you respect self and others, you cannot turn away from this subject, but must address it on the spot, every day, until it is no more.
   Whenever the news reports about some very important public person, who controls the purse strings of other important public persons, changed their mind drastically in an extremely short amount of time regarding very public subjects, I like to imagine a private dressing down of that someone by someone else whom they respect, perhaps their own grandmother.

Friday, August 15, 2014

A watched pot never boils.

   I hear that currently 42% of my fellow Alaskan's were born in this mighty state. Most of those that I know fall into two categories, those that travel outside on occasion and those who don't. It seems to me that those who don't, have a much different outlook on their surroundings. Because they don't, they have no way to know how the rest of the world is moving, how progressive minds are changing the world around them. They think what they see around them is it.
   It reminds me of the old saying, a watched pot never boils. May I suggest that you take your eyes off the pot you know so well, focus on something different and learn what you can about it. It opens your mind up to so many things simmering right in front of you that you had not recognized before.

Friday, August 1, 2014

As man plans, God laughs!

   Whenever I hear the phrase 'the devil is in the details', I think, sometimes out loud, that God is in the timing. It seems to me that the more details that mankind tries to manipulate for it's own interest, the more God makes His will known above ours by interfering with those plans, as only He can. 
   One of the strongest pieces of evidence we often see is when He puts just the right person in just the right spot in our lives, at just the right time to save us from distress. Timing of this nature is out of the realm of the devil, much less that of mankind. Often times, we may refer to this person as our guardian angel, for lack of a better description. Some of us have experienced this many times in our lives, and have been ever so thankful for them. Some of us wouldn't give it the thought.
   If you have experienced this and never gave it a thought, thinking instead that it was yourself that made something happen, then you have missed the opportunity to observe God's works in action in your own life and those surrounding you. Only God brings us together for good works.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Please, leave someone else in peace.

   Having grown up with a single mother for many years, a common phrase in our house was "As long as they're talking about me, they're leaving somebody else alone". When I did finally 'get it' as a child, I had taken it to mean that my mother felt she could carry that load which would seem a burden to many others among her peers. Having grown quite a bit since then, I began to see the deeper value in that simple gesture. What she was doing was distracting the scandalous talk in town from those she felt mercy on, that is to say, the other women of the day who had it worse than she did. She was ever thankful for what she had in life. 
   As my mother did before me, I, too, remain thankful for what I have and, often times, for what I don't have. The fact that people talk so much about things they know not, we cannot stop. We can be aware that we are doing a great service for others by simply distracting evil doers and their scandalous talk. So, please, if you read this, go out and talk about me, and leave someone else in peace.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Ashes to Ashes

   In the recent past I had begun to notice the proliferation of crematories in our state, or at least their advertising. Being a low maintenance person myself, my first thought was perhaps this was good for our society.  Why spend so much on the materialistic trappings of a funeral?
   What I didn't realize about the situation became abundantly clear recently when dealing with a crematory concerning a family member whose ashes went to a girlfriend rather than his children or his present wife of thirty plus years. Apparently they judged that his family would not carry out his final wishes of disposal and there is no regulation that prevented them from doing so. Make no mistake, the mother, son and daughter-in-law we faced off against in this Anchorage crematory not only were quick to point out that they had done no wrong, but when asked about any governing regulations they had to adhere to, they responded there were none, and they seemed proud of that fact.
   More perplexing was that within an hour the family run crematory we were dealing with did an about face and produced the ashes they had so quickly defended themselves against having mishandled.
   The best take away that I can find here is if any person you care about mentions using a crematory, urge them to carefully select one that will treat all aspects of the process with reverence for the sanctity of the deed.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Some lessons can't be taught by free tuition and books.

   My momma always said..."Learn something new everyday", and she didn't mean arts and crafts. She was a Mary, true to her name, a simple educator who began her career in an old red schoolhouse in a community called Turkey Run. With a strong belief in the original three r's, reading, 'riting and 'rithmatic, as the saying went, when it came to the math, she knew the important things to teach were the +'s and -'s, not how to spell plus and minus.
   These days seem to demand that we learn at least one new thing a day. I'd even suggest three a day now, as we move ever faster and so much new knowledge is given to us. After decades of true poverty early in the last century, many of my generation were proud to raise the first generation of college and university graduates in their respective families. The struggles were long and hard, but much to be proud of for the parent, and most often a source of gratitude for the child. I wonder how the priorities and perspectives of the parents, and thus the child, will affect the students learning when tuition and books are given freely to the student. It seems to me that it robs the parent of their sense of accomplishment and the child of experiencing the gratitude. There are two lessons not learned, that the people will pay for.