Friday, August 15, 2014

A watched pot never boils.

   I hear that currently 42% of my fellow Alaskan's were born in this mighty state. Most of those that I know fall into two categories, those that travel outside on occasion and those who don't. It seems to me that those who don't, have a much different outlook on their surroundings. Because they don't, they have no way to know how the rest of the world is moving, how progressive minds are changing the world around them. They think what they see around them is it.
   It reminds me of the old saying, a watched pot never boils. May I suggest that you take your eyes off the pot you know so well, focus on something different and learn what you can about it. It opens your mind up to so many things simmering right in front of you that you had not recognized before.

Friday, August 1, 2014

As man plans, God laughs!

   Whenever I hear the phrase 'the devil is in the details', I think, sometimes out loud, that God is in the timing. It seems to me that the more details that mankind tries to manipulate for it's own interest, the more God makes His will known above ours by interfering with those plans, as only He can. 
   One of the strongest pieces of evidence we often see is when He puts just the right person in just the right spot in our lives, at just the right time to save us from distress. Timing of this nature is out of the realm of the devil, much less that of mankind. Often times, we may refer to this person as our guardian angel, for lack of a better description. Some of us have experienced this many times in our lives, and have been ever so thankful for them. Some of us wouldn't give it the thought.
   If you have experienced this and never gave it a thought, thinking instead that it was yourself that made something happen, then you have missed the opportunity to observe God's works in action in your own life and those surrounding you. Only God brings us together for good works.