Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Big Brother

   My peers and I have spent many moments of our youth in great wonder and worry over the future of Big Brother and just what that would look like in our communities. Here's a glimpse of what it looks like in my neck of the woods.
   It was not many years ago that a prominent business person in my community was the victim of a lying in wait assault on a commercial property I owned at the time. There was an investigator assigned to the case and in speaking with him I advised that I had cameras both inside and outside the building, but he never made any attempt to view the footage. I had installed the cameras for reasons of safety and security of both employees and patrons. Since this was outside of any city limits, law enforcement was and is nonexistent. We can put cameras up all day long, and of course that is good for the economy, but we can't force anyone to pay attention.
   However, I did see in the news that our Mat-Su Borough has taken the initiative to install cameras on some local contractor's worksite. This occurred only after they had both been cited by OSHA.
   Who's afraid of Big Brother now?