Many good people pray some variation of these three words every day, often at the start of the day so as to allow no other thing to come before. The intent for most is to dedicate each day and all that is done that day to the will of Our Lord. We have not the imagination of Our Lord and that leads us to difficulty, at times, discerning just how our workings in life promote the will of His Kingdom. We ponder the decisions to be made when faced with multiple paths in our life, not to mention the small daily choices we make from seemingly endless offers that present themselves. The challenge then becomes ours, to look into what life offers us and determine if our choices will or will not bring glory to the Kingdom of God.
Now repeat the same three words as a statement. As a statement, "will be done." takes on a whole new resonance, doesn't it? These are words of action. And as a statement of faith, who do you think is to carry out that will here on earth? That's right, as Christians, you and I, him and her, them and us, we are all to be doing his will in our everyday actions. If what we do each day is good and true, it will only bring glory to God's Kingdom. However, if our actions have become something that we have to defend to others and explain to our own conscience, perhaps they are no longer bringing glory to God. Will was freely given to us by Him, along with an honest measure of reason, and it is put upon us to utilize both of them to promote His Kingdom. If, by chance, we are not seeing His Glory reflected back in the works we do, maybe it's time to ask if there is other work to be done elsewhere.